Liability and the Fabrication of Truth

At some point in your life, you’ve probably been held accountable to something that was outside of your immediate control.  The thought, “its not my fault” has probably crossed all of our minds at one point or another.  Although it does indeed suck to be blamed for something that you did not commit, and later forced to correct such incident or receive a soft castigation, what appalls me the most is when the perpetrator attempts to morally justify their actions when no matter what is said in your defense, their accusation will not change.

Essentially, I have no problem with the following statement, “I don’t care who did it, you have to fix it/be punished for it”.  Contrary to moral justice, life actually is not fair and as a result, none of us should expect to play a fair game.  However, when somebody tries to force someone to admit to a action they did not commit, and whole-fully plans on holding that someone liable regardless of their answer, is beyond unfair- its stupid and doubly deceptive.

Not only does the person with authority deceive themselves, but they also deceive those around who witness/support the accusation.  It is at this point I question the viability of even answering, since both discourse would lead to unfavorable results.  Perhaps the best solution would be to resign with apathy and simply accept what is to come, not letting the accuser have the satisfaction that comes with their self-confirming bias.

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