Sorry, Hiatus incoming


“I give my leave of absence not out of fear for the unknown, but rather to take control of what I can and force out the future of my dreams.”-Akash Sky


Dear readers,

As you know from my earlier post, I obtained a job as a junior engineer over at Enterprise Automation.  This job is full time, and I am not finding enough time for myself to actually write quality post.  As a result, I am going to have this blog go on hiatus, (which means that I won’t be posting very often.)  Worry not however, for this does not mean that I will give up on blogging, but rather that I need some time to discover what topics I truly want to write about and how I can write about them in an efficient manner.

To tell the truth, however, I am not very  satisfied with the quality of my writing on this blog.  I feel that  I am capable of writing much better and capable of marketing my blog much more efficiently to actually obtain a substantial viewer base.  My number one downfall, I believe, is that I failed to emphasize email subscriptions and build my list.  This will most definitely change in the future when I restart this blog.

When I restart this blog, it is going to be much more focused on a niche topic rather than being just about my random life.  I would much rather provide value to the world with an informational blog than simply rant off about some of my meaningless stories.  (Although I’ll probably still tell them in person if people ask).  Until then, I want some time to rethink about my blogs direction and focus on my work.

I don’t know how long it will take me to restart this blog, but I will surely keep you all updated on what my plans are for the general direction I want this blog to take.  If you haven’t already, it would really make my day if you were to subscribe to my email list using the sidebar.  I promise I won’t send you any spam email, and will simply use it to inform you when I plan on bringing back my blog.  If the topic I choose to write about doesn’t appeal to you, there will be a link to unsubscribe easily.  Of course, I do realize that asking for an email address is quite a commitment from you, the online reader.  Unfortunately as of right now, I have nothing of value to trade for your email.


Please forgive my selfishness until I return

-Akash Sky

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